Sanity or Patience: choose one.
Do you ever have one of those moments where you think, "HA! I am sane!" Then you step in dog poo with your bare feet and remember it was your idea to get the puppy...?
Husband had to bathe his grandma.
To participate in Cate's Six Word Saturday or to read a few more (less disgusting) entries, visit her here:

OH that sucks but my hubby saw more of my momma when she stayed her recovering frojm hip replacement then he EVER wanted to see lol
I love it1 lol
Still have that er...experience to come! Random Twitter Stories.
That is kinda traumatic. But look at it this way - compared to what he say bathing his grandmother, I bet you look fabulous!
Hmm, maybe not as helpful as I thought.
Thanks for playing 6WS!
Whoa! There are just some places a person shouldn't have to go. Next time, have your husband call a travel agent.
So not jealous of that! Poor grandma and poor hubby. Hope his libido one day returns. Men are resilient.
Your husband must love his grandma very much to have taken on this task... i applaud him...
i love SparkleFarkle's comment... now that's witty :-)
i have a 'HOT' giveaway going on over at my mess... check it out if you are interested...
i absolutely enjoy your own posting type, very attractive.
don't quit as well as keep penning due to the fact that it just simply very well worth to follow it,
impatient to see even more of your current web content, cheers ;)
Ouch! His retinas!!
Oh my God I still can't get over the title of this post!
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