Sanity or Patience: choose one.

Do you ever have one of those moments where you think, "HA! I am sane!" Then you step in dog poo with your bare feet and remember it was your idea to get the puppy...?

Saturday, January 31


Our new addition arrived today. She is beautiful and lovey and playful and so, so tiny.

She's not quite sure what to think of Monsoon, but she really likes chasing him around. On the other hand, he doesn't know exactly what to think of her either - he just giggles uncontrollably anytime she's within two feet of him.

Monsoon helped pick her out and decided on her name, all by himself with no help or prompting whatsoever. Funny the things he comes up with when he's given free power. He thought long and hard... for about 30 seconds. "Hmmm...." He looked around the kitchen as he did this. "I think, Sprinkles!" Perfect. I love it. She's Sprinkles.

Sprinkles the chocolate Maltapoo. If there weren't the "poo" in there, you might think she was a dessert. And Monsoon keeps saying she's a Maltee poo-poo. He thinks he's funny... maybe because I laughed and blew pop out my nose.


Call Me Cate said...

The first pic made me think "Oh, man, your dog has no face!!!". And then I saw the second pic. And realized I have had a few glasses of cabernet. Also, since I put Sprinkles on Joe's cake this week, I'm going to take credit for the name because I put sprinkles in your mind which you subconsciously transmitted to Monsoon. Yeah, that's it. Congrats on puppy poo-poo!

My word verification is: dieritch. I'm certainly going to try.

Ryan Ashley Scott said...

Cate: No, she does not have a face on the top of her head... it's in front. And Monsoon probably did see the pic of the cake with all the sprinkles and couldn't stop thinking of it. He loves sprinkles. And he blog stalks with me. So thank you!

Corinne Cunningham said...

What a cutie!!!

Annelie said...

Sprinkles is so cute! Congrats on your new addition! Now I also want one! :)

Mrs. Jelly Belly said...

Awww, she's adorable - and what a cute name. Enjoy your puppy!

Melissa, Multi-Tasking Mama said...

Awww, I want one!

Anonymous said...

Awwwww! Sprinkles is so cute! I want a 'purse dog'!

joanofalltrades said...

So adorable. I wish I wasn't allergic......or really my husband does since he wants a dog and a cat.

KatBouska said...

Oh my heavens alive that's a cute puppy!!! Now I want one...

wendy said...

Oh, my!! How completely adorable!