Sanity or Patience: choose one.
Do you ever have one of those moments where you think, "HA! I am sane!" Then you step in dog poo with your bare feet and remember it was your idea to get the puppy...?
So I tried to be clever... which does not bode well in any case. Hubby and Monsoon were on their way home from school when I finally found something fun to do for April Fool's Day. I wrestled Sprinkles for the last bits of Sunday's newspaper, taped up a slice of it to the door jam, shoved crumpled funnies on top and crunched the door shut.
Then I waited... camera ready... pre-ejacushot a photo of just the door...
Finally, FINALLY! They arrived... I waited for the exact right moment of "dump & surprise"
Stupid camera. One stinking shot and it fuzzed all up. Pffttt. Ah, well - Monsoon took a few moments to assess the wacki-doo garbage dotting the floor and hanging from the doorway. Yes dear, it's a newspaper. Yes, it's hanging by tape.
He SO does not get how this is funny.
But Sprinkles was excited. Eh, somebody gets me.

Cute! :) Maybe next year! Coming in from CC today. I love the title & top blurb about your blog - so funny! And the bare feet & puppy poop... yup I am there. We got got a pup a few weeks ago and last night I was reminded it was MY idea. OY! ;) TGIF.
That is sooo cute! Don't you hate it when the camera doesn't cooperate. It seems like every time I have a camera moment and when I quickly pick up the camera the batteries are dead. So frustrating.
Have a great weekend!
If not for pets, I would sometimes think NOBODY gets me. Yay Sprinkles!
Argh! Cameras & fuzzy pics! Such a funny idea though!
Came over from Carrie's
Fun anyways.
I get you too, sweetie!
I, for one, thought it was stinkin' clever idea! And really, if Sprinkles gets you, well...I mean, LOOK AT SPRINKLES for gosh's sakes...who wouldn't be happy with that?!
Awwww! Nobody gets me either around here.
Go figure!
well, it was a good idea!
Oh kids, they just don't appreciate all the work you do!
It was a great idea! My plans usually get foiled, too, though.
I think it was a great idea for a joke!! Sometimes only our dogs can appreciate us. TFS
Ahhh, that sounds like me at Pump It Up yesterday. I got more shots of arms and blank slides....
Sadly, it took me three readings to get how you did it. Then I giggled :) Nicely done. I totally forgot about April Fools. Oops.
Leave it to the dog to understand, huh?
Sprinkles really gets cuter by the day!
Ha ha... "pre-ejacushot" I'm dying over here!! :D
You are crazy with the pre-ejacushot. I'm a little slow and it took me a second to get it. I takes special people to understand the twisted minds of the humorous.
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