Please visit The Secret Life of Tova Darling for more Totally Awkward Tuesday posts - and come on, participate! Quick, before she stops hosting.
Aah, middle school, the age of awkwardness (as if it ever left me). At the time, it seemed like just being in the same room with my dad was awkward - we didn't have much in common, he seemed uncomfortable with me, too - or maybe it was just my projection of being uncomfortable in my own skin. Maybe it was my "becoming a woman" syndrome running head-on into his "this is my little girl who I must protect always" mentality. Who knows, but for a few years, things were just plain weird between my dad and me - but we occasionally managed to find ourselves in the kitchen or watching tv or in this particular case, in the car, just the two of us, listening to the radio, which was always tuned to AM. This time, though, maybe he was trying to reach out to my unfamiliar world of tween-dom, but he changed the dial to a station all the kids were listening to those days. And what should come on the radio immediately but...
Eegads! Please tell me this is NOT the song I think it is?! Oh no, he's turning it up. Oh, please be over, stop singing, interrupt this program, have a tornado drill, emergency broadcast warning... something! Pa-lee-hee-hee-heeeease! But no, he squinted his eyes like it would help him hear better or something, and asked me, "What are they saying?" I shot out a muffled, "I don't know" like I didn't listen to that song allll the time and dance around to it with my friends singing the "lyrics." He started tapping his hand on the steering wheel, to this beat...
(there's a 12-sec commercial in the beginning, sorry - I got this from - but keep listening)
Daily Study of The Book of Mormon
6 years ago
I totally know the feeling! I had that same feeling with songs that would come on when my mom and I were in the car together. You and your poor dad! Always experiencing the awkward moments together!
I could feel your pain as I read this! How funny.
I'm turning red FOR YOU! That's a no-win because jumping out of a moving car would lead to certain injury!
Eeeek... Awkward for sure. Reminds me a bit of the time I was driving my grandmother in my car (I was probably 25 or so at the time) and a song came on the radio. For the life of me, I can't remember what song it was right now but it had the fabulous f-bomb. Of course, the radio did that whole "silence" thing rather than bleep it. Which made it seem like in my singing along I was deliberately SHOUTING obscenities with my grandmother in the car. Lovely. I'm still not sure she's recovered.
Oh lawdy!! Although Push It is one of my all time FAVORITE songs - SOOO not the song a teenage girl wants to jam with her dad!
no me parece feo,pero hay otra cancion de ella que si me gusta mucho!!!
I bet you he didn't even realize what they were singing about! Still embarassing though. I use to feel that way with kissing scenes in movies.
Imagine the tweens/teens caught in the car with their parents when that Divinyls song "Touch Myself" came on! Talk about embarassing!
HILARIOUS! Talk about an awkward song to explain to your father. :)
That is pretty funny.
Oh, feeling pretty awkward over here just imagining that. Ouch! Too funny.
Mortifying! Salt N Pepa could always be counted on to totally humiliate you in front of adults. And your poor, poor dad!
When my mom heard the Red Light Special song (another Salt N Pepa "classic") coming from my CD player while I was in sixth grade, she freaked out. And then she realized I had no idea what the Red Light Special was, which then prompted me to figure out what it was. I think I was red for a week.
It's like watching a movie with your parents and a sex scene comes on!
That's the worst. There is some sort of karma that demands that this happens whenever parents and older children are together with music/tv and no means of escape...
I think I had a few times like that with my dad. I do not know if he really knew what to do with a teen girl either. He would try and take me to a movie or out shopping with him. I think maybe some dad's have these moments.
i can sooooo relate!! i feel ya!!
PS - stop by my blog, i'm holding a great giveaway!!
Now, it's just as bad when you are listening to something that could be considered questionable and your kids start singing the lyrics. It's all just awkward!
That is definitely awkward. By the way, I now have two new life goals: buy that outfit and learn that dance.
Middle school...the way station between totally awkward & clueless. And then comes college...
Haha! Why is there that total stage of awkwardness b/n a teen daughter and her dad! I had that too.
One time I went to the movies (in my early 20's) with my mom and grandma and a random sex scene came on...AWK-WARD!
So you are saying that when I sing and dance to Lady Gaga and Madonna in the car with my 13 year old and his friends, he is mortified? Cool.
That is so lovely. What a moment in time to remember with your dearest Dad. Crack me up! I think I would have melted into the seat to hide.
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