It was day 2 of vacation. We stopped about 2 hours from the beach (yes we were stiiiill on the road) for the 3rd and most whiny "I hafta potteeeeeeee" break in twenty minutes. Needless to say, the boys were getting a bit fed up with my pea-sized bladder.
When I came out of the bathroom (after a long wait), dear husband was in line for caffeine and had Monsoon in a football hold, angry thermometer face on and temp rising. Oddly, the boy seemed perfectly happy, so I took him and headed outside to stretch our legs. Before we made it to the door he pointed and said, "Look at him!" He was really really excited, but I knew right then why hubs was so red.
I, too, had noticed the little person waiting in line when we first went in, and made a mental note to work out a specific version of my "everybody is different and that's a good thing" spiel, just in case. I don't mind when Monsoon asks about people, and I try to be prepared because he does ask. A lot. Unfortunately, husband was not prepared. At all.
When they got in line behind this man, Monsoon not only asked about him but made a HUGE deal about the guy being little like him, jumping and yelling about it while my husband could only "SSSHHHHhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!" him. Monsoon was so excited about a grown-up being his size, he just couldn't stop going on about it. Really, he thought it was the coolest thing ever.
We had a discussion about it when we got to the car (which is when hubs told me what happened). Monsoon is still confused about why something so cool might embarrass someone.
If you want more awkward stories (of course you do!) or if you have some of your own awkward moments to share (of course you do!) head over to Tova Darling for her Totally Awkward Tuesdays.
Daily Study of The Book of Mormon
6 years ago
Oh no! But how cute that he wanted to point out how cool it was. The innocent mind of kids!
Aw, I agree it's sweet that he thought it was so cool! Your poor husband though, not knowing how to respond.
You never know, it might not have been embarrassing to the guy. And he probably had a perfectly good explanation that would have answered all questions. Sometimes you just gotta let'em be kids. I think anyway.
The way children look at things is so interesting.
The poor guy has probably heard it all a thousand times. I have a feeling that comments from inquisitive kids don't bother them... it's the intentionally hurtful stuff that's bad.
You really do need a sixth sense with kids to try and anticipate this stuff, though...
Ya know, I bet the guy is used to it. He knows that little kids don't know any better!
(But it still gave me a good laugh!)
Bummer you're still on the road. Here's hoping you get there soon!
And ummm yeah. I totally get the being excited part. And what do you expect from a kid :) Maybe he'll be prepared next time!
Oh man! Kids are the kings of awkward moments. They definitely contribuite to more than their fair share of them.
So we are battling the "That person is fat." or the "That person smells" comments coming out of my willful son Wyatt's mouth. It DRIVES ME CRAZY!!! He's going to get us all beat up one of these days and it's not for lack of coaching on our part. Apparently the switch to control Wyatt's mouth is defective.
I never knew how to respond when one of my kids did something like this - which is so normal for a child to do. I don't think there is any "good" response, do you?
Seems like dads aren't quite as prepared for these situations as mamas...poor guy! (I mean your husband...not the little person!)
Hope the vacation is going well!
Kids don't understand embarrassment, which is part of their charm, I think. I guess the guy's been pointed at so many times...if he was cool with Monsoon's marveling, that was a good thing.
I agree that kids don't know better. Just laugh and say "it is cool that he is your size" and blow it off.
I gave you an award!
I love that Monsoon thought it was cool. I could have SO gone another way, you know? Great always make me smile!
Uh-oh! I could definitely see how that could be quite embarrassing. Maybe your DH will try to have certain answers prepared for the next instance? lol
We moms have an endless supply of "Why did they learn to talk" moments....
Your boy is so sweet.
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