Sanity or Patience: choose one.

Do you ever have one of those moments where you think, "HA! I am sane!" Then you step in dog poo with your bare feet and remember it was your idea to get the puppy...?

Wednesday, August 12

The Bad Mommy Weekly, issue 3: party pooper

When I was a kid, birthdays were big. My parents planned extravagant parties every year for all three of us kids. We had everything from a haunted trail in the woods behind our house, surprise parties that were actually a surprise, dinner at a fancy french restaurant... they were always big, always special, always made us feel like we were the most important person on the planet, at least for that day. In fact, some of my most recent birthdays involved a Cinderella birthday cake and steak dinner at one of Cincinnati's premier restaurants.

So why does all this make me a bad mommy? Well, here's how Monsoon's birthday went down:

Thursday (yes last Thursday): I sent out a mass e-mail informing family about his party on Sunday (yes this past Sunday).

Saturday: I took Monsoon to pick out his own plates/napkins, a pinata (one of his few requests), even his own birthday cake. Oh yes, for his surprise party.

Sunday: Despite trying to convince him he wasn't having a party that day, I continued cleaning the house, blowing up balloons, and putting out the colorful table clothes he had chosen. Instead of being diligent, planning ahead and keeping a surprise - or just planning enough to make it an awesome party without trying to surprise him - I practically lied to him when he guessed what I was doing, so then he was confused to come home later and find a party going on without him (hence, the surprise) and looked at me like I had totally tricked him (not in a good way).

Monday (actual birthday) : Because I had lied to him the day before about not having a party, he kept waiting - all day - for his "real" birthday party on his actual birthday. What a disappointment to find out I was telling the truth on that particular day. We did take him to the toy store and let him pick out his own toys... then I wrapped them when we got home. I also reused wrapping paper from the day before. Yes, yes I did. Because I had forgotten to get that, too.

Granted, he had a fun time at his party and he did enjoy spending the day with Mommy and Daddy on Monday... at least, until I had to leave for exercise class...

I'm going to have to step it up next year.

Are you a Bad Mommy Weekly? Unload your guilt in the comment section or in your own post. If you'd like to link up, you may also use the Bad Mommy Weekly button at the top of this post (only I don't know how to make a button, so you'll have to do it the old-fashioned way).


Anonymous said...

Haha! I think that's just the way things are now. People don't have time to plan these awesome parties. Well, some do...but they obviously aren't bloggers....

Grand Pooba said...

Oh I love it! Hey how old is Monsoon? I'm sure he is just happy to get some toys! (I think you set your standards too high!)

Michelle said...

You crack me up. On the plus side, all the money you're saving on not huge elaborate parties you can put aside for his future therapy bills ;) He'll get over it.

Julia said...

Funny how you can still convince a four year old of some things. I think Wyatt would have been on to me this year if I tried that stunt. Well done MOM!

Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

Too funny! I've been a Bad Mommy for a couple of months now so I wouldn't know where to start! If I get back into the swing of blogging maybe I can link up next week...

Sassy Britches said...

You can totally get away with it since he's so young. You don't have to beat yourself up over it and make a slam-bang-up party every year, but tailor the surprise/non-surprise confusion to his development level in coming years. Tee-hee; you're funny.

joanofalltrades said...

You are not a bad mommy. He got to days full of birthday love. I'm sure he enjoyed every minute.

Stesha said...

Last year, my 1 yod had her 1st birthday party at a hotel. We had to evacutate our home due to the threat of a hurricane. The hurricane actually saved me. Parties give me a headache.

Hugs and Mocha,

Kathy B! said...

Parties are soo much stress. From every angle. And you're not a bad mommy!!

I put my post about the horseback riding on your linky, but I don't know if it works or not? I can't remember if I ever posted on a liny before :)