Sanity or Patience: choose one.

Do you ever have one of those moments where you think, "HA! I am sane!" Then you step in dog poo with your bare feet and remember it was your idea to get the puppy...?

Monday, August 31

Use my what!?

I always knew I was a superhero. Now I know what makes me super.

Monsoon and I went to the bounce house place the other day. I know better than to go there without a second child, but there weren't any available so I put on my big girl sports bra and prepared to sweat.

One particular bounce toy - named the spider for it's web-like climbing apparatus - is quite difficult. You can't get to the top of the really big slide if you can't climb up through the elastic webs, so I helped the boy out.

I had to stop on every level to reach down and pull him up. When I finally got to the top, I reached down to grab his hands, and noticed my boobs were most of what was keeping me from falling back through the holes. It was uncomfortable, to say the least, but I certainly didn't think anyone else would notice the stretches of web stuck underneath the weight of my chest. I kept trying to pull Monsoon up; he was grunting like it was hard even though he had stopped helping by this point and it was all on me. Think Sylvester Stallone in Cliffhanger, scene 1 (I think).

"Come on, Mommy! Use your utter power!"

So... now he knows my super secret. It's all in the utters.


Amy said...

Love it. LOL....

Jenny-Jenny said...

No way, that is hilarious. Way to go taking him there without a friend, you are a great Mommy!

Unknown said...

lol! That is so funny--and what a good mommy you are!

just back from SITS to say hi again! love your blog!

Gabrielle said...

Good Morning from SITS! Oh how I can relate to your post!

Unknown said...

Just stopping by from SITS to say HI! What a cute story! Thank God for the "Ladies"!

Grand Pooba said...

Hahaha! Well I think I've already told you that Monsoon is my hero, well now I know who he gets it from!

I love that kid!

Jennifer said...

That is just hilarious. I love it.

Michelle said...

Ooooo your bouncy place sounds better than our bouncy place. I'm jealous! But yay you for playing. Personally, I love the excuse to do stuff like that. Is that wrong?

Lifeofkaylen said...

That literally made me laugh out loud!

Stopping by from SITS to say hi. Will be stopping by again! :)

Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

Thank you for the chuckle! Too funny...

What day do you do your Bad Mommy posts? I'd like to participate but I'm having a hard time thinking of what to know, because I've been such a perfect mama lately!

Anonymous said...


They don't let anyone over 10 on the bounce houses at our place. Weird.

Melissa B. said...

Thanks for giving me a good giggle! I've used my "utter power" many times in the past, myself...

Julia said...

That's utterly funny, utterly entertaining, and an utterly intelligent observation! What an utterly smart child.

Debbie said...

No way! That is the funniest thing ever. I just love that super power.

Scary Mommy said...

That's awesome!! My kids don't think I have powers, but are totally convinced that I do, indeed, have eyes in the back of my head. :)

Scary Mommy said...

That's awesome!! My kids don't think I have powers, but are totally convinced that I do, indeed, have eyes in the back of my head. :)