Sanity or Patience: choose one.

Do you ever have one of those moments where you think, "HA! I am sane!" Then you step in dog poo with your bare feet and remember it was your idea to get the puppy...?

Monday, April 20

Not Me Monday:

Tell us what you certainly did "NOT" do this week. Stop over and visit MckMama. She's now at Children's Hospital in Boston with her baby, Stellan, as they try to figure out how to heal his little heart.

I did NOT accidentally pet Sprinkles on the butt instead of the tail because she's so dark and hairy that it's NOT hard to tell which end is which. She is totally NOT a "butt-head."

I have NOT been trying, unsuccessfully, to stop using this :) and this ;) because I have never NOT ever over-used either of them. I do NOT feel the need to add those little faces in order to make sure whoever is receiving the message knows when I'm being nice. NOT all the time.

I am NOT just two inches away from a rant about my husband's friend who is an idiot. (seriously, how do you complain for years about your life sucking but now finally - amazingly - talked a woman, who is out of your league by the way, into dating you and then bring up your self-involved pity party over your ex-wife to the new girlfriend? You are an idiot. p.s. it's creepy when you tell another man's wife you like her toes.) Since it isn't my business, I did NOT just go into it.
I am NOT going to try and stay away from hoo-ha posts for a while. There were NOT too many of them here recently.


Mammatalk said...

I touched my kitty's butt today, too! ;-) :-)
:-D AND....:-O

theUngourmet said...

Was he not saying he liked the woman's toes because she did not just have a pedicure?

Oh, this is not too much fun! I will definitely not have to try it on my blog sometime soon! I am not also not leaving a :) after my comment!

Kathy B! said...

I am a chronic over user of the :) I can't stop myself!!

And you can NEVER have too many hoo ha posts. You just can't :)

Sandy said...

Creepy about the toe thing! Okay, I over use this:0) and this;0) Oh well!

Happy Monday:0)

Amy said...

Happy Monday. Hope you had a wonderful weekend.

Annelie said...

Do all husbands have a friends like that?
Sure seems like it.

Debbi said...

LMAO!~ toes? Really really??

Lora said...

I do not use :0) too much either.
Do we (not) need a support group?

Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

Funny list! For the record, Sprinkles is your dog right? ;)

Xazmin said...

I always us this:) too, because I'm afraid my teasing will come across as really jerky!

Your posts always make me laugh!

Sorry your husband has an idiot friend. Mine has one of those too. He just bugs me.

You are seriously adorable!

Hyacynth said...

Oh, goodness, I love that you are creeped out by your hubby's friend admiring your toes. Toes are creepy, in general, so it's really creepy to comment about them in casual conversation.
I use the smileys, too. And I don't care anymore. It's part of my overzealous personality. :) :) :)

Michelle said...

I'm with ya on the smilies. They just add so much fun to life... why not throw them around? :D

Gotta love the husband's friends, no? Mine has some pretty special ones, too!

Aunt Julie said...

OK, here goes...I so DID NOT guffaw out loud (well, more like a deep, rolling belly laugh) after reading the first paragraph of this post. I'm sure Sprinkles enjoys being petted, no matter which end is up!

Sassy Britches said...

I love all the smileys. And I was really scared that you petted Sprinkles on the butt on accident and came away with more than you started with! Ew!

joanofalltrades said...

You are too funny! I do NOT get really annoyed every time my husband's best friend's wife opens her mouth. BTW: If you are out there, contact me via email asap!

CG said...

You crack me the HELL up!

Carrie said...

You just crack me up! :) oops! :) darn...I did it again. :0

Megan said...

I definitely do NOT use :0) & =D, etc, way too much either. But I don't care. I like them, therefore, I will continue to use them. You should too. ;0) (see, there I go again)Oops on touching the bootay instead of the head. I'd consider that *awkward* LOL

And that guy sounds like a real peach. Sheesh!